Facebook Wants to Fix Itself. Here's a Better Solution.
Opinion: The only way to clean up tech’s biggest platforms is stronger, smarter government regulation....
Read MoreOpinion: The only way to clean up tech’s biggest platforms is stronger, smarter government regulation....
Read MoreOpinion: A democracy shouldn’t leave it to companies to figure out the ethics of artificial intelligence....
Read MoreOpinion: Companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook need to own up to the harm their platforms have caused....
Read MoreOpinion: Lower taxes don’t spur businesses to create jobs and train workers. But tax credits for training could re-invigorate the American workforce....
Read MoreOpinion: Ajit Pai’s plan to ditch the open internet will have a serious, and negative, impact on innovation....
Read MoreOpinion: An FCC commissioner argues that the agency shouldn’t vote to dismantle the open internet until it probes how bots hacked the comment process....
Read MoreTim Wu, who coined the phrase “net neutrality,” says the FCC’s proposal to revoke net neutrality rules ignores history and the law....
Read MoreOpinion: FCC chair Ajit Pai’s move is an unprecedented giveaway to big broadband providers and a danger to the internet....
Read MoreOpinion: It’s time for the government to establish a Federal Platform Commission and treat companies like Facebook as a state....
Read MoreOpinion: Calls for help on social media are well-intentioned but counterproductive....
Read MoreOpinion: You don’t want a robot taking care of your baby; the aged need to be loved, to be listened to, fed, and sung to....
Read MoreOpinion: Bjorn Lomborg argues that countries should deploy technology to reduce poverty....
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